Upgrading machines to the latest safety standards

To avoid unscheduled downtimes and guarantee staff health and safety, manufacturers need safe and reliable machine tools. This is why production managers, safety officers and trade associations insist on compliance with the latest CE guidelines. These have been a requirement throughout Europe since 2009. Older machines may not have the necessary CE marking. This is where the industry experts at FPS can bring you up to date.

Expertise in machine technology and CE compliance

Milling machines and drills by DECKEL and DMG often operate for decades with virtually constant quality and performance characteristics. However, in terms of safety requirements, they only meet the requirements of the standards specific to the year they were built. This is something that FPS engineers can easily remedy. Not only they are deeply familiar with the machine technology – they also know the requirements for the current European CE marking. FPS offers CE upgrades as a complete service.

FPS warranty with full liability

The drills and milling machines will be compliant with the latest CE standards upon delivery. The machine is assigned a new year of manufacture (year of the CE upgrade). After the CE upgrade, FPS will be listed as the official manufacturer and will assume full liability. Your machines will also be compliant with all relevant safety requirements. This will ensure the safety of all your machine operators.

Are you interested in a CE upgrade or have any questions? Call us now or send us a message.

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